Plasti-plast is an ongoing robotic project about automata and the boundaries of life. Plasti admits to having issues with existential anxiety. As in Beckett’s Rockaby, “Woman’s” rocking chair and her “incongruous headdress” can only rock so long. Plasti hair is mostly recycled fibrous household waste – wires, brooms, mops, etc. – plastis scrub the air. Color is restricted to the palette provided by the ultimate human hair color authority: Clairol. The recent installation of Plasti-plast in Gathered at MCOA is a partial manifestation of the project. Of a plan for 140 handmade units, 80 are partially built, 29 were completed for the installation. The scale is intended to be immersive, and the viewer should get surrounded. Plastis can be choreographed, their brains are dynamic and they can be responsive to visitors, who could have a say in the matter. Design is underway to augment their plaster bodies for exterior installation. The Outsider Plastis will form a phalanx with a goose-step: at the border of man and machine bio-uncertainty goes both ways.